Adopt a Family: We adopt 1-3 families for the holidays. For Thanksgiving and Christmas we prepare food baskets. For Christmas we also purchase clothing and toys for the family members. We get these families from the Salvation Army and Cooke School.
Adopt-a-Highway: Three times a year (May, July, September) we clean a stretch of Ford Road between Lilley and Canton Center Roads. We meet in the Plato parking lot on a Saturday morning. Half the group cleans one side of the road and the other half does the other side. Breakfast usually follows. It takes around 1½ hours and is great exercise. 6-10 people are needed for this project.
Camp Civitan: An outdoor, residential, camping experience designed to include adolescent and adult campers with mild to moderate mental impairments. The camp provides the opportunity for campers to learn or improve care skills, appreciate nature and develop a responsible attitude toward the environment. It also develops responsible citizenship, improves social skills and increases self confidence. This is a Michigan Area project.
Canton Leisure Services: This is a Canton Township service that organizes numerous community events. We have worked with them by collecting tickets, greeting guests and/or serving refreshments for an Art Show in October, Veteran’s Day in November, and the Storytelling Festival in January at the Summitt. We also work with this group on Make a Difference Day.
CIRC: This stands for the Civitan International Research Center which does research and treatment of mental retardation and other developmental disabilities (MR/DD). CIRC is funded by the Civitan Candy Box project. It is located in Birmingham, Alabama.
Civitan Youth & Diversity Conference : This “Youth Seminar “ is a week long, highly-acclaimed seminar for high school students held each summer. Participants from a 6 state area identify social and personal issues they wish to explore in small group sessions. We provide scholarships for local students to attend. This is a District project.
Cooke School – Point Store: Cooke is a school for children with special needs. These students receive points for good behavior, attendance, completing assignments, etc. They can use these points to purchase items (candy, CD’s, games, etc.) at the Point Store located in the school library. Twice a year we donate $600 to purchase items for the store.
Dance-a-Thon: This is a Junior Civitan event. During a 4 day weekend in March, these Jr. Civitan teens hold a Dance-a-thon and they ask for money pledges which are given to our Civitan International Research Center (CIRC). Our Club makes a donation to their cause
Diabetes Walk: We help the Diabetes Foundation by setting up and serving food and drinks to the participants in their annual Walk in October at the Detroit Zoo. Around 10 people are needed and it takes 3-4 hours.
Essay Contest: This contest is sponsored by our Club. English teachers from the Plymouth-Canton high schools choose an essay topic in November. In March, they meet to pick the top 3 essays. 1st place gets $750, 2nd place gets $500 and 3rd place gets $250. The winners get their pictures in the paper and attend our April dinner meeting to read the essays. Parents are invited and each winner gets a certificate and check at this time. We also provide snacks for the teachers’ initial meeting to discuss topics and pizza at their March meeting.
Focus Hope Food Boxes: Twice a year (November and April) we met at 9 a.m. and carpool to Focus Hope in Detroit where we form a production line and fill boxed with various food items. We are usually done by 11:30a.m. 10-15 members are needed.
Focus Hope Walk: In October, Focus Hope sponsors an annual Walk commemorating the walk taken by Martin Luther King. We provide crafts for kids to make and supervise the moon walk attraction for returning walkers. 8-10 people are needed and it takes 4-5 hours.
Food Baskets: We prepare food baskets twice a year – Thanksgiving and Christmas. Individual club members donate items for the basket and the Club purchases a grocery gift certificate for a ham or turkey. We try to make sure all the items necessary for a complete holiday meal is included plus treats.
Kenyon Cemetery: This cemetery is located on Ridge Road between Canton Center and Joy Roads and is next to Gyde Rd. We rake leaves and clean tombstones. We work here on Make a Difference Day with the Cub Scouts. We also place flags by the graves of Veterans twice a year (Memorial Day and Veterans Day). We put wreathes on the cemetery gates for the Christmas holiday.
Make a Difference Day: The 4th Saturday in October is designated by Canton Township and Canton Leisure Services as Make a Difference Day. Various projects take place in the community. One is at Kenyon Cemetery where we are joined by Cub Scouts, their parents, high school members, neighbors, etc. to clean and rake leaves. We usually serve cider to the participants. Sometimes we are joined by over 50 people.
MS Walk: We serve food and drinks to the participants upon completion of the MS Walk at the Dexter-Pinckney Metro Park. It goes from 9:30a.m. until noon and requires 8-10 people.
Operation Good Cheer: This is a program sponsored by Michigan Social Services which provides Christmas gifts from each child’s Christmas wish list. Over 5 thousand children and teens in foster care facilities receive 3 gifts each. One club member is responsible for finding people to purchase gifts for over 100 kids, storing gifts and then loading the gifts onto a semi-truck to be transported to the Pontiac International Airport for disbursement all over the state. Our members are involved in all aspects – buying presents, loading the truck and working at the airport.
Paws with a Cause: This is an organization that trains service dogs for people with disabilities. Each dog costs over $15,000. We have purchased several dogs. The last dog was for a Plymouth-Canton high school student preparing for college.
Plymouth Planter: We are responsible for the care of a planter in downtown Plymouth on Main Street. We purchase, plant and tend to the flowers from May through the fall. There is a nameplate stating it is maintained by the Civitans.
Plymouth Seniors: Members help serve and assist the seniors at their holiday luncheons. The Club donates gift cards for raffle prizes at their picnic. The Seniors help us by sell our fruitcake.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing: We ring bells for the Salvation Army on the Saturday following Thanksgiving from 9a.m. to 9p.m. in 2-3 hour shifts. Our post is at Sam’s Club on Ford Road and requires at least 12 people.
Sno Do: A Junior Civitan International event where teens snowmobile in Ontario, Canada while raising money for charity. We donate money to support their efforts.
Southeastern Michigan Down Syndrome Guild Golf Outing: A annual golf outing is held near Romeo to benefit the Southeastern Michigan Down Syndrome Guild. Members staff the registration table and sell raffle tickets.
Special Olympics Bowling: From January to March, we sponsor 9-10 weeks of bowling at Plaza Lanes on Ann Arbor Road. There are 75-85 bowlers. The Special Olympians bowl 2 games on Tuesday at 4:00 and are usually finished before 5:30. Our cost is about $1,500.
Special Olympics Powerlifting: The Special Olympics Powerlifting Tournament is held each Spring held at the Northville High School . The Club has a food concession booth. Members prepare and sell breakfast and lunch foods so that families can enjoy the entire tournament without having to leave the facility. We price our items very low so that this is more of a service project than fundraiser.
Step-Up for Downs Walk: The Southeastern Michigan Down Syndrome Guild holds a walk each fall. Members staff the registration table for the walkers. 10-12 volunteers are needed.
Balloon Festival: We work the Balloon Festival in Howell which takes place the last weekend in June. Shifts last 4 hours and entail selling tickets, directing traffic, etc. This project requires lots of people and some members work more than one shift. Our Club receives money for each shift worked.
Candy/Coin Box: Our Club has placed numerous boxes which contain spearmint hard candy in restaurants and shops in the area. We are responsible for stocking candy and collecting the money. Proceeds go to the Civitan International Research Center (CIRC) except for 25% of the proceeds which is retained by the Club and designated for aid to the handicapped. We also have Coin boxes by the Club and designated for aid to the handicapped. We also have Coin boxes which provide half the money to CIRC and the other half to our Club to be used for handicapped projects.
Carson’s Charity Day Coupon Books: Carson’s (former Parisian’s) hold a Charity Weekend Sale in the spring and fall. Volunteer groups sell coupon books for $5 each which provides special discount coupons for use during the Sale weekend. Members sell coupon books to family and friends and staff a table at the store on 15 separate days. The Club keeps the $5 for each coupon book sold.
Dixboro Store: One weekend was chosen by the Dixboro Store to share its profits with us if the customer has a special coupon naming our Club as a recipient. These coupons were given to friends and family members who were encouraged to visit this quaint store and make purchases.
Fall Festival: This festival occurs the weekend following Labor Day in downtown Plymouth. We have a photo button booth. Members take digital photos and mount them on buttons, key chains, magnets and Christmas ornaments. This a major fund raiser and requires many man hours of work since the festival runs all 3 days of the weekend
Festival of Lights: This event takes place in Howell on the Friday evening following Thanksgiving. Our Club receives money for each member who works crowd control during this event which entails stopping people from crossing the street during a 5K Run and during the parade that follows.
Flag Day: On the Saturday preceding Flag Day, we offer miniature lapel flag pins for a donation to customers at the Kroger Store on Ann Arbor Road. We work a 2 hour shift.
Fruit Cake: This is another major money maker for us. Civitan clubs in North America participate in this traditional fundraiser. Starting in October, we begin selling Claxton fruitcake at stores and the Plymouth Credit Union. At the Credit Union we usually pick a Friday and Saturday in both November and December to sell it as well as chocolate covered pecans.
Michigan Area Raffle: Michigan Area Civitans sell raffle tickets to support Camp Civitan. The tickets have a 3 digit number. If it matches the number drawn by the Michigan Lotto on any day during the month of June they win $50.
PSP: Pennies for Special People (PSP) is a project where we collect pennies at each meeting from our loose change. This money is sent to our Civitan International Research Center (CIRC). Some members keep a jar at home and on their desk at work for other people to contribute pennies.
Taste/Fest -Taste of Plymouth:During the Plymouth Fall Festival, a taste of local restaurants is held on the Friday night. A member manages the event which includes soliciting restaurants; ticket sales; ordering the tent, generator, landscaping, paper goods, etc.; setup the day of the event and coordinating members selling tickets and directing parking the day of the event.
4th Revision 2014
Adopt a Family: We adopt 1-3 families for the holidays. For Thanksgiving and Christmas we prepare food baskets. For Christmas we also purchase clothing and toys for the family members. We get these families from the Salvation Army and Cooke School.
Adopt-a-Highway: Three times a year (May, July, September) we clean a stretch of Ford Road between Lilley and Canton Center Roads. We meet in the Plato parking lot on a Saturday morning. Half the group cleans one side of the road and the other half does the other side. Breakfast usually follows. It takes around 1½ hours and is great exercise. 6-10 people are needed for this project.
Camp Civitan: An outdoor, residential, camping experience designed to include adolescent and adult campers with mild to moderate mental impairments. The camp provides the opportunity for campers to learn or improve care skills, appreciate nature and develop a responsible attitude toward the environment. It also develops responsible citizenship, improves social skills and increases self confidence. This is a Michigan Area project.
Canton Leisure Services: This is a Canton Township service that organizes numerous community events. We have worked with them by collecting tickets, greeting guests and/or serving refreshments for an Art Show in October, Veteran’s Day in November, and the Storytelling Festival in January at the Summitt. We also work with this group on Make a Difference Day.
CIRC: This stands for the Civitan International Research Center which does research and treatment of mental retardation and other developmental disabilities (MR/DD). CIRC is funded by the Civitan Candy Box project. It is located in Birmingham, Alabama.
Civitan Youth & Diversity Conference : This “Youth Seminar “ is a week long, highly-acclaimed seminar for high school students held each summer. Participants from a 6 state area identify social and personal issues they wish to explore in small group sessions. We provide scholarships for local students to attend. This is a District project.
Cooke School – Point Store: Cooke is a school for children with special needs. These students receive points for good behavior, attendance, completing assignments, etc. They can use these points to purchase items (candy, CD’s, games, etc.) at the Point Store located in the school library. Twice a year we donate $600 to purchase items for the store.
Dance-a-Thon: This is a Junior Civitan event. During a 4 day weekend in March, these Jr. Civitan teens hold a Dance-a-thon and they ask for money pledges which are given to our Civitan International Research Center (CIRC). Our Club makes a donation to their cause
Diabetes Walk: We help the Diabetes Foundation by setting up and serving food and drinks to the participants in their annual Walk in October at the Detroit Zoo. Around 10 people are needed and it takes 3-4 hours.
Essay Contest: This contest is sponsored by our Club. English teachers from the Plymouth-Canton high schools choose an essay topic in November. In March, they meet to pick the top 3 essays. 1st place gets $750, 2nd place gets $500 and 3rd place gets $250. The winners get their pictures in the paper and attend our April dinner meeting to read the essays. Parents are invited and each winner gets a certificate and check at this time. We also provide snacks for the teachers’ initial meeting to discuss topics and pizza at their March meeting.
Focus Hope Food Boxes: Twice a year (November and April) we met at 9 a.m. and carpool to Focus Hope in Detroit where we form a production line and fill boxed with various food items. We are usually done by 11:30a.m. 10-15 members are needed.
Focus Hope Walk: In October, Focus Hope sponsors an annual Walk commemorating the walk taken by Martin Luther King. We provide crafts for kids to make and supervise the moon walk attraction for returning walkers. 8-10 people are needed and it takes 4-5 hours.
Food Baskets: We prepare food baskets twice a year – Thanksgiving and Christmas. Individual club members donate items for the basket and the Club purchases a grocery gift certificate for a ham or turkey. We try to make sure all the items necessary for a complete holiday meal is included plus treats.
Kenyon Cemetery: This cemetery is located on Ridge Road between Canton Center and Joy Roads and is next to Gyde Rd. We rake leaves and clean tombstones. We work here on Make a Difference Day with the Cub Scouts. We also place flags by the graves of Veterans twice a year (Memorial Day and Veterans Day). We put wreathes on the cemetery gates for the Christmas holiday.
Make a Difference Day: The 4th Saturday in October is designated by Canton Township and Canton Leisure Services as Make a Difference Day. Various projects take place in the community. One is at Kenyon Cemetery where we are joined by Cub Scouts, their parents, high school members, neighbors, etc. to clean and rake leaves. We usually serve cider to the participants. Sometimes we are joined by over 50 people.
MS Walk: We serve food and drinks to the participants upon completion of the MS Walk at the Dexter-Pinckney Metro Park. It goes from 9:30a.m. until noon and requires 8-10 people.
Operation Good Cheer: This is a program sponsored by Michigan Social Services which provides Christmas gifts from each child’s Christmas wish list. Over 5 thousand children and teens in foster care facilities receive 3 gifts each. One club member is responsible for finding people to purchase gifts for over 100 kids, storing gifts and then loading the gifts onto a semi-truck to be transported to the Pontiac International Airport for disbursement all over the state. Our members are involved in all aspects – buying presents, loading the truck and working at the airport.
Paws with a Cause: This is an organization that trains service dogs for people with disabilities. Each dog costs over $15,000. We have purchased several dogs. The last dog was for a Plymouth-Canton high school student preparing for college.
Plymouth Planter: We are responsible for the care of a planter in downtown Plymouth on Main Street. We purchase, plant and tend to the flowers from May through the fall. There is a nameplate stating it is maintained by the Civitans.
Plymouth Seniors: Members help serve and assist the seniors at their holiday luncheons. The Club donates gift cards for raffle prizes at their picnic. The Seniors help us by sell our fruitcake.
Salvation Army Bell Ringing: We ring bells for the Salvation Army on the Saturday following Thanksgiving from 9a.m. to 9p.m. in 2-3 hour shifts. Our post is at Sam’s Club on Ford Road and requires at least 12 people.
Sno Do: A Junior Civitan International event where teens snowmobile in Ontario, Canada while raising money for charity. We donate money to support their efforts.
Southeastern Michigan Down Syndrome Guild Golf Outing: A annual golf outing is held near Romeo to benefit the Southeastern Michigan Down Syndrome Guild. Members staff the registration table and sell raffle tickets.
Special Olympics Bowling: From January to March, we sponsor 9-10 weeks of bowling at Plaza Lanes on Ann Arbor Road. There are 75-85 bowlers. The Special Olympians bowl 2 games on Tuesday at 4:00 and are usually finished before 5:30. Our cost is about $1,500.
Special Olympics Powerlifting: The Special Olympics Powerlifting Tournament is held each Spring held at the Northville High School . The Club has a food concession booth. Members prepare and sell breakfast and lunch foods so that families can enjoy the entire tournament without having to leave the facility. We price our items very low so that this is more of a service project than fundraiser.
Step-Up for Downs Walk: The Southeastern Michigan Down Syndrome Guild holds a walk each fall. Members staff the registration table for the walkers. 10-12 volunteers are needed.
Balloon Festival: We work the Balloon Festival in Howell which takes place the last weekend in June. Shifts last 4 hours and entail selling tickets, directing traffic, etc. This project requires lots of people and some members work more than one shift. Our Club receives money for each shift worked.
Candy/Coin Box: Our Club has placed numerous boxes which contain spearmint hard candy in restaurants and shops in the area. We are responsible for stocking candy and collecting the money. Proceeds go to the Civitan International Research Center (CIRC) except for 25% of the proceeds which is retained by the Club and designated for aid to the handicapped. We also have Coin boxes by the Club and designated for aid to the handicapped. We also have Coin boxes which provide half the money to CIRC and the other half to our Club to be used for handicapped projects.
Carson’s Charity Day Coupon Books: Carson’s (former Parisian’s) hold a Charity Weekend Sale in the spring and fall. Volunteer groups sell coupon books for $5 each which provides special discount coupons for use during the Sale weekend. Members sell coupon books to family and friends and staff a table at the store on 15 separate days. The Club keeps the $5 for each coupon book sold.
Dixboro Store: One weekend was chosen by the Dixboro Store to share its profits with us if the customer has a special coupon naming our Club as a recipient. These coupons were given to friends and family members who were encouraged to visit this quaint store and make purchases.
Fall Festival: This festival occurs the weekend following Labor Day in downtown Plymouth. We have a photo button booth. Members take digital photos and mount them on buttons, key chains, magnets and Christmas ornaments. This a major fund raiser and requires many man hours of work since the festival runs all 3 days of the weekend
Festival of Lights: This event takes place in Howell on the Friday evening following Thanksgiving. Our Club receives money for each member who works crowd control during this event which entails stopping people from crossing the street during a 5K Run and during the parade that follows.
Flag Day: On the Saturday preceding Flag Day, we offer miniature lapel flag pins for a donation to customers at the Kroger Store on Ann Arbor Road. We work a 2 hour shift.
Fruit Cake: This is another major money maker for us. Civitan clubs in North America participate in this traditional fundraiser. Starting in October, we begin selling Claxton fruitcake at stores and the Plymouth Credit Union. At the Credit Union we usually pick a Friday and Saturday in both November and December to sell it as well as chocolate covered pecans.
Michigan Area Raffle: Michigan Area Civitans sell raffle tickets to support Camp Civitan. The tickets have a 3 digit number. If it matches the number drawn by the Michigan Lotto on any day during the month of June they win $50.
PSP: Pennies for Special People (PSP) is a project where we collect pennies at each meeting from our loose change. This money is sent to our Civitan International Research Center (CIRC). Some members keep a jar at home and on their desk at work for other people to contribute pennies.
Taste/Fest -Taste of Plymouth:During the Plymouth Fall Festival, a taste of local restaurants is held on the Friday night. A member manages the event which includes soliciting restaurants; ticket sales; ordering the tent, generator, landscaping, paper goods, etc.; setup the day of the event and coordinating members selling tickets and directing parking the day of the event.
4th Revision 2014